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 The Charlotte-Metrolina Chapter MOAA : An affiliate of the Military Officers Association Of America (MOAA).

About : The Charlotte-Metrolina Chapter MOAA

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About About Charlotte Metrolina

MOAA National and Member Chapters

MOAA is the nation's largest and most influential association of military officers. We are a powerful force speaking for a strong national defense and representing the interests of military officers and their families at every stage of their careers. Charlotte Chapter is an independent, nonprofit, politically unaffiliated organization. To reach our Member Service Center, please call 1-800-234-6622 or email us at nsc@moaa.org

Jan 14, 22/ Webmaster/ About/

Board Meetings

The Chapter Executive Board meets via Zoom at least 5 times per year or as called for by the president. Members are welcome to attend these meetings to offer contributions or suggestions.

2023 Board Meeting Schedule - Jan. 10th; Feb 14th; Mar. 14th; Apr, 11th; May 9th; June 13th; July 11th; Aug. 8th; Sept. 12th; Oct. 10th; Nov. 14th; Dec. 12th.

17-Dec-12/ CFMOAA/ About/

Chapter Newsletter

The chapter publisheres a monthly newsletter except June, July and August to keep the membership informed on current events to include information on monthly board meetings, social events, ongoing legislation, and other items of interest to the membership. The newsletter is distributed to the membership by e-mail or can be mailed to those members without digital capabilities.

The Newsletter can also be viewed or downloaded below in the Documents Page.

Newsletters Page
Feb 18, 13/ CFMOAA/ About/

Social Activities

The chapter has social gatherings throughout the year in conjunction with scheduled meetings. The event is usually a general membership meeting and a dinner at the Red Rock Cafe (Strawberry Hill location on Providence Road). The meeting program normally includes a guest speaker and/or entertainment.

17-Dec-12/ CFMOAA/ About/